Great Ways to Conserve Water and Save the Planet

People think they have to make big changes to save the planet. Nothing could be farther from the truth. It’s possible that it’s all the businesses involved in the “green” industry that tries to make you feel this way – so that you’ll buy their expensive Prius-like products. In truth, very simple changes made can utterly save the planet. For instance, sign up with DMA Choice or Catalog Choice to stop everyone from sending you junk mail and catalogs, and you could save a quarter billion trees every year. Just think of a few simple ways to conserve water, and you could make just as large an impact.

Not to mention, when you implement some of these ways to conserve water, you actually save plenty of money. You could save up to $250 a year on your water bills just by not wasting water.

It doesn’t have to be a big deal – you just have to turn the water off when you brush your teeth or shave. You have to turn the shower off when you are soaping up. If you actually shave while you shower, that’s a little bit of extra water conserved.

If you do your dishes in pool of soapy water instead of in running water, that’s another way to save. You must also only run your dishwasher or your washing machine when you have a full load. And make sure that your toilet is a water-conserving model.

Yes, it can seem like a huge thing to change the way you do basic things like shower or brush. Think of it as a far better thing to do for the planet than buying a CFL or buying a Prius (both of which can be easily proven to actually be very environmentally unsound purchases).

There is a reason why counties across the country try to impose strict rules for how when you should water your lawn. Your lawn happens to be such a drain on the country’s water resources. One option would be to get a variety of grass that’s actually local to your area. These can make do with very little water. Getting an artificial plastic lawn can be another option.

There are all kinds of other things you can do, too. Get LeakAlertor for your toilets so that any time there’s a leak, you’ll know right away. And be sure to check for drips and leaks all around. These ways to conserve water can save hundreds of gallons every year.

Published in News by zv7Ga3hW5G.