Tag: save the polar bears

Life of a Polar Bear

A special bear watching tour can see you explore the Canadian Rockies; admire the extraordinary environment where extraordinary polar bears live. If you choose the latter, it is very interesting to learn more about these extraordinary creatures and how they live their daily lives.

Today due to the global warming these polar bears are suffering. There are many organizations who are working for polar bear protection. If you also want to save polar bears then you can also join these organizations and also increase the awareness in the people.

Polar Bear Day

Polar bears are the most active in the morning and are least active at night. At the North Pole, females with their children are observed to spend around 19% of hunting days during the spring months, and around 38% of hunting days during the summer. Men spend hunting a little longer than their female counterparts.

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Image Source: Google

If you are lucky enough to spend time watching these large mammals on vacation watching the Polar Bear, you will notice that they spend a considerable amount of time resting and sleeping. If it is a warm day, they will spread on ice and sometimes put their feet in the air, but when it’s cooler, they will curl up and usually cover their snouts to keep the warmth.

Although most are solitary, adult females will stay with their children for the first two to three years, and breeding pairs will also remain together during the mating season. You might occasionally see a group of Polar Bears eating together on a large carcass, like a whale, but it is rare for adults to travel or feed together for long periods of time.

Because of its solitude, on a bear watching tour, you will most likely see the animals themselves. However, you may be fortunate enough to see a mother interact with her child or a partner who often marries. Sometimes, two men will be aggressive towards each other when a woman or food is at stake, and a fight makes a scary experience to observe.