Tag: oracion para la maana

Prayer and the Importance of Unity With Our Nature

Unity in this case is referring to mind and body in harmony through prayer.Prayer is a deep spiritual state of the mind that can transform your circumstances through the constant control of thought and action towards the desired.

Generally, some people may go through life without truly understanding the importance of this unity and the fact that it is so vital to connect with it in order to discover their true inner mind's unlimited resources which when held consciously would eventually afford them all they would ever want in life.

Life itself is spiritual and the mind is our creative energy source by which we can generate unlimited energy to feed our desires whatever that may be. You can also get info on 'calm inner healing prayer via https://eltrendelavida.mx/oracion-para-sanacion-interior/' (also known as 'oracin de sanacin interior tranquila va https://eltrendelavida.mx/oracion-para-sanacion-interior/' in the Spanish language).

The unity of our nature in prayer is an important aspect of our being, and really allows us to come in touch with the all important creative spirit of life.


To create harmony in life, it's important to engage our conscious mind, (which is the mind that works with our outer senses such as the sense of seeing, hearing, feeling, taste and smell) with the subconscious mind (which is the mind that directs our inner body functions such as breathing, well-being, energy flow, digestive system and our deeper level subconscious thoughts).

The beliefs we have throughout our life can affect the way we progress in life or the way we perceive things generally, and the way we take action to achieve our desires. This action and reaction would in turn create the circumstances and events we see in our lives.

The good news is that Prayer is a very good way to embody this unity of the mind and the body, so we can use our conscious control of thoughts through Prayer to direct our unlimited resources, thereby channelling our lives to create our deeper desires. In other words, we'll be directing our thoughts and corresponding action in harmony with our heartfelt desires.

Prayer manifests a certain flow of harmonic energy in the body because it allows us to come in touch with our innermost senses. When we come to connect with our deeper level senses, then we are able to consciously direct our lives to suit our nature with ease.