Disability – Medical Fact or Social Construct

Disability is a term broadly used for the societal illness recognized as resulting in any kind of physical or psychological impairment mainly identified through clinical procedures.

Constitution of Disabled Peoples' Global defines Impairment is the loss or limitation of physical, mental or sensory function on a long-term or permanent basis. You can visit https://www.agapeicare.org.au/social-community-participation/ to participate in innov community services.

Disablement defined as the loss or limitation of opportunities to take part in the life of their community on an equal level with others due to physical and social barriers'

Adhering to the medical model the handicapped were segregated from 'normal' people and seen as deficient, lacking in self-efficacy, requiring care.

The disabled were defined with their deficiencies, in what they couldn't do, rather than by what they could do.

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Impairment was seen as the problem, and the disabled were restricted to being passive recipients of the drug, care, and targeted assistance through state charity or intervention.

Even today, as befitting the medical model, disabled men and women are regarded as requiring rehabilitation. They are subject to negative stereotyping and prejudice by the rest of society.

The individual discourse on disability is allied to the World Health Organization pronouncements, as for example, from the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health.

It owed its existence to advances in medicine and science which placed disabled individuals into medical categories for the convenience of medical practitioners and other caregivers.

This, though eminently sensible and suitable at the time, was later experienced by the disabled population within an oppressive situation.

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