Tag: Omron BP785

First Aid for High blood pressure

You will inherit your blood pressure from your mother or father and even your grandparents. It is with you if you want to control it. As health provider’s advice, controlling your blood pressure need management of your daily lifestyle and medication. Also, investing in a good blood pressure monitor is of utmost importance. A good blood pressure monitor would be a digital blood pressure monitor. Omron BP785 10 Series Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor is one of the best digital blood pressure monitors for home usage.

Steps to do First Aid for High Blood Pressure:

Relax by taking a deep breath. Diaphragmatic breathing helps a lot in relaxing.

Don’t stress yourself and move away because you will trigger your hypertension.

Put ice cold water on the forehead of the victim to stop nose bleed if and only if it is present.

High potassium drinks will helps the pressure to go to normal level so Fruit juice is advised.

Note: If you follow this first aid for high blood pressure, you must go to your doctor to assess and prevent more complications.

In order to be in a position to do first aid for high blood pressure, it is necessary to have home blood pressure monitor like the Omron BP785 10 series upper arm blood pressure monitor.