Tag: disassociated personality disorder

Spiritual Warfare- War against Satan and Demonic Attacks

Spiritual warfare is an awareness of a satanically aided thought (bondage or stronghold) in one's mind and coming against it by the power of the Word (Christ's name) or the word in Scripture. The three areas of spiritual conflict are: (1) the church, (2) the heavenly realm and (3) the mind.

The heavenly realm is the unseen spirit realm that shadows the real world. It is the spiritual ambiance that surrounds us–it contains the "powers and principalities" which St. Paul warns us of in Ephesians. You can find christian prayer book at https://www.bridemovement.com/product/prayers-shake-heaven-earth-paperback/.

God made it clear to Adam the results of disobedience are passing.  Disobedience is really a sin, and sin always contributes to departure.  After God placed Adam in the garden to see it over He gave Adam guidelines and also a very clear warning he could eat from some one of those trees from the garden with the exception of the tree of the knowledge of good and bad.  

Once Eve ate from the tree, then she subsequently presented the fresh fruit into her husband Adam to consume also.  After Adam and Eve ate the fruit spiritual link with God immediately expired.  Their soul individual expired they became more aware of this flesh and so they hid in God. The exact task which happened from the Garden would be the exact same task that's going on now. 

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We've come to be very aware and consumed with all the flesh and also our bodies which individuals provide no focus on our soul.  It's when we reconnect with your soul man which we'll reconnect with God.  If we worship God and join to God we could simply accomplish this through our soul.  We'll not ever have the ability to get in touch to your Lord during our heads. 

As soon as we start to walk into the Spirit, then we won't return into your flesh.  Our flesh struggles from the Spirit of God, and the Spirit contrary to our flesh.  There's constant warfare which continues daily in all our flesh and the Spirit as they have been against each other.  This warfare induces us to accomplish things we realize we must do.  Until our souls have been afforded and filed into the Spirit of god Christ we'll drop the struggle and also our flesh will soon triumph each moment.

As soldiers for Christ, we are instructed to put on the armor of God. This armor of God is a supernatural set of weaponry that comes from unbroken fellowship with Him. Just as we draw our life source and our spiritual power from God, this spiritual armor must also come from our Lord. When you cease to walk in fellowship with the Lord, you are choosing to step away from the source from which this armor comes and you are left open for demonic attack.